- How to get grounded
- Earthing indoors
- Earthing outdoors
- The sicker you are, the more Earthing time you need to gain relief and regain health
- Do you take medication?
- Got questions?
- Does everybody feel better when they start Earthing?
- How much time should I ground myself?
- Can I overdose?
- How fast will I feel relief of pain?
- Can I feel not so good when I start? Or feel strange?
- What if I have electro-sensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivities, or Lyme disease?
- I am afraid of putting a cord into the electrical outlet to do Earthing inside my home. Is there any danger?
- I take medications. Is Earthing OK for me?
- Will Earthing affect my sex life?
- Skeptical?
How to get grounded

Clint Ober, Earthing pioneer and veteran of the cable television industry, has personally grounded thousands of people and consistently seen remarkable results, many times life-changing results. He began investigating grounding in 1998, has worked with and inspired researchers for 20 years, and developed many Earthing systems used today all over the world. Clint has dedicated his life to Earthing and improving the health of humans.
I grew up on a farm. Everything was about the Earth. I was also exposed to the Native American culture where everything is connected and the Earth is sacred.
My message to you is about the lost connection with the Earth, a tragically ignored cause of chronic pain and illness throughout much of the world. After years of observing the healing effect of Earthing on people, I know with absolute certainty that most everything going on in the body is different when you’re not grounded, when you are disconnected from the Earth, like most people today. Ungrounded makes you more vulnerable to sickness and pain. The ungrounded state is neither normal nor natural, nor the way that humans lived throughout most of history.
The way to live is to be connected to the Earth — grounded as much as is possible − because being connected is like pulling a switch that enables your body to function more naturally and efficiently.
My message is very simple: get grounded, and stay grounded for a lifetime. The recipe for health is to regularly eat good food, drink enough water, engage in physical activity, and get good rest. Earthing (grounding) belongs right in the middle of that recipe.
Your body works electrically. You are a bioelectric being and you need connection with your natural electric source — the Earth’s electric energy. It establishes the most natural state of your electric body. It nourishes every cell.
People tell me they have fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, lupus, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, PMS, hormonal imbalances, just to name a few conditions afflicting modern society. What they all have is inflammation, a main cause of disease, pain, and dysfunction. What they are missing is the Earth’s energy, Nature’s original tool against inflammation and pain. And they may need a lot of it.
Earthing can be life-changing and that change can be felt in your body within minutes. It is one of the most simple and important things you can do for your health, and probably the easiest lifestyle change you can make in your lifetime.
Where do you start?
You can get grounded outdoors and indoors. Either way, you’ll feel better, have less pain, sleep better, look better, and have more energy.
Weather (too cold, too hot), hazardous or unsanitary surface conditions, and busy schedules discourage most people from Earthing outside by going barefoot. In general, routine Earthing outside isn’t as convenient as doing it routinely inside your home or workplace.
The key to success is Earthing routinely. Now and then doesn’t get the job done. Certainly not for serious pain and illness. So easiest of all is to ground yourself indoors right where you sit or sleep, work or relax. You ground yourself while you do what you normally do. Let’s start there.
Earthing indoors

Throughout years of research and experimentation that is still ongoing, I have developed and refined indoor Earthing systems for use in studies and to fill a growing demand by people who heard about the “feel better” effects of Earthing. I wanted the important evidence we were generating through research to translate into practical products that people could use while sleeping or sitting indoors. To date, thousands of individuals: men, women, children, and professional athletes alike, have incorporated grounding into their daily lives in this way. People quickly felt better. Word spread. People told me many times they loved the idea of having less pain or stress as the result of doing nothing, of literally getting a treatment while they sleep or sit.
The products include patches to place on your skin, for instance, where you have pain; mats you can use in bed or at your computer; pillow covers for your bed; and “wearable” bands you can place around your ankle, wrist or knees.
If you are wondering how these products can ground you inside, let me explain. When you are outside and stand, walk, sit barefoot on natural surfaces such as grass, sand, soil, gravel, stone, your body absorbs the “natural electricity” of the Earth. The same happens when you swim in the ocean or a lake. Indoor grounding products are conductive, meaning that they connect you to the Earth’s energy, just as if you were barefoot outside. They are like “barefoot substitutes.” They come with a wire that connects to a house or building grounding system (the ground port of an electrical outlet), or to a designated ground rod you can buy that can be easily pushed into the ground outside. A house or building grounding system has a ground rod adjacent to the structure that absorbs and conducts the Earth’s energy, called “ground” or “earth” in the electrical world. It is this ground energy, this “natural electricity” in the ground, that is globally used to stabilize electrical systems. And it is this same “ground” energy that similarly stabilizes the body’s countless bioelectrical circuits and creates the many wonderful benefits you get from “grounding.” You can thus ground outside barefoot or conveniently for many hours in your home or office.
As word of the benefits of Earthing has spread over the years, various knock-off products have appeared on the market. I cannot speak to their effectiveness or safety. I am sometimes asked about do-it-yourself grounding devices that are posted on the Internet. It is impossible to check them out for safety and effectiveness. The vast majority of people have neither the time nor interest to build such things.
Grounding products do not “run” on electricity. If you plug the cord into your outlet, you are not plugging into electricity, just to the Earth. Technically, that means to the grounding system — a safety system — built into modern houses and buildings. I have tested and refined all the products I have designed with effectiveness, convenience, and safety in mind. They can be found at amazon.com.
Earthing for pain, injuries, and health issues – day or night
Earthing patches – every medicine cabinet should have them

Most of the people I see and ground in my presentations live with chronic pain. The pain could come from many sources, an injury (old or new), surgery, arthritis, a flare-up of fibromyalgia, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis, or soreness from overdoing it at the gym or in the yard.
I put an Earthing patch on them. There is no Earthing product with greater and faster painkilling power. The patch is my No. 1 painkiller, sleep, and stress aid, and No. 1 in general for compromised health. Patches are similar to the ECG/EKG electrode patches commonly used by doctors for testing purposes. The Earthing version connects with a cord, as all other Earthing products, to a ground source, such as the wall outlet or a ground rod.
Apply at bedtime and/or use it as well during the day, if possible, when you are sitting in one place working or relaxing. It can provide day and night relief. Disconnect it when you need to move around.
Pain in your body means you have active inflammation. Pain is a byproduct of inflammation. The patches, I have observed, reduce local inflammation quickly. Some people refer to them as the “magic pain patches” because they are so effective.
How to apply: Apply the patch to the palm of the hands or soles of the feet, the most conductive parts of the body. Or to the skin right on, or next to, the site of inflammation – where it hurts.
If you have a painful knee, for instance, place a patch on the bottom of the foot or on the side of the knee. Experiment. See which placement works the best. You will experience some relief first in that area of the body, and eventually the grounding effect will extend to the whole body.
Pain is common after surgery. You’ll need less painkillers if you put a patch on. Use a patch near the site of trauma. Within minutes you’ll often feel the pain level go down.
A patch can also be placed over each lung on the upper chest — one on each side — to help improve breathing and lung power for individuals with asthma, COPD, or a history of pneumonia. I have seen this application work many times, even for bronchitis and lung infections. If I wake up with any coughing, I will use the patches that way until the coughing is gone.
The patches are disposable, meant for several patching sessions. Toss them when the adhesive wears off. Or do as some people do, leave them on for days, and simply connect them to the Earthing cord at bedtime or when sitting during the day.
The use of a single patch can indeed be life-changing. I’ve seen peoples’ acute pain drop within minutes. Read our patch article for more details.
Earthing for sleep – the easiest way to ground yourself
Twenty years ago I developed a conductive bed pad for an experiment to see if Earthing could help people sleep better. Among 60 people with sleep and pain problems, those who slept grounded said they slept better and had less pain compared to those who slept ungrounded. I’ve experienced this personally, and heard that very same feedback from many people over the years who have been sleeping grounded.
Sleep is the time when the body is at rest, and in a healing/repair mode after the daily grind. Earthing helps you fall asleep and provides a more restful sleep. It’s one of the most common benefits.
Ground Therapy sleep mat

The bed mat, also made from conductive carbon material, grounds your whole body fast because of its larger grounding surface (27 x 80 inches). Two straps secure a snug fit for a twin or full bed, and does the same on one side or across the width of a queen, king, or Cal king bed. For two sleeping in a larger bed, two mats may be preferable.
The bed mats can be used either above or below the regular bottom sheet. Whichever is most comfortable for you. The thin, perforated mat with carbonized construction gives it flexibility, “breathability,” long-lasting durability, and superior grounding conductivity.
Position the mat on the bed, lengthwise or across the width, and just do what you normally do. Sleep. Wipe it clean with a moist clean cloth every once in a while as needed. No fuss. No effort. No need to wash it.
You can use the mat alone, or with a pillow cover for even quicker head-to-toe grounding, or any other Earthing product.
Ground Therapy pillow cover
Earthing doesn’t get easier than this. The pillow cover is made from thin, perforated (so that it “breathes”) 100% conductive carbon material. Just stuff your favorite pillow into it and zip it up. You can sleep directly on it or put it, in turn, inside a larger pillowcase that matches your décor. Just clean it with a moist cloth as needed.
The pillow cover is one of the most potent Earthing products, based on feedback.
Daytime Earthing
Earthing universal mat

Use it anywhere − under a keyboard like a mouse pad, on the floor with bare/stocking feet contact, on the back or seat of a chair, or even in bed under or above the bottom sheet or on top of the pillow.
The mat measures 12.5 x 39 inches and weighs 1.2 pounds, so is very transportable. Take it anywhere with you.
Comes in white, black, and red. Its carbonized surface gives it solid conductivity.
Earthing throw

The Earthing throw is a plush and cozy way to ground. Snuggle up in it on your couch, chair, or bed.
It’s made of conductive silver threads woven into soft cotton.
Size: 72 x 45 inches for ample snuggling.
Product tips and details
● All the products I have mentioned will ground you and drain inflammation and pain from your body.
● Product choice often comes down to budget. If you have doubts, choose the least expensive item, such as body bands or Earthing patches.
● For any pain issues, I recommend the patches, either by themselves or, optimally, with both a Ground Therapy pillow cover and sleep mat. I consider these essential for healing.
● For individuals with sleep issues, I recommend the pillow cover and/or bed mat. Optimally, both.
● It’s easy to ground yourself at night, in bed. You’re in one place for hours. For many people, grounding during the day is challenging because you’re on the move. I usually suggest the body bands, patches, or the universal mat during the day, whichever works to accommodate daily activities. An Earthing mat at your work desk usually offers an opportunity. Do whatever you can, even if it just 15 minutes on a mat with a cup of coffee in the morning, or, if weather permitting, barefoot on the patio, or while doing an exercise routine. Or during a lunch break. Look for opportunities whenever you can to ground yourself and lower your inflammation and pain.
● Bed mats vs. sheets. In the past, I have developed Earthing sheets for the bed that utilize conductive silver threads (that provide the grounding effect) woven into the sheet fabric. The problem with sheets is that the silver becomes oxidized due to perspiration and multiple washings, and lose effectiveness sooner than later. At some point, the sheet needs to be replaced. Most durable are the mats. They are made with 100 percent conductive carbonized technology and designed in various sizes for multiple use, such as on the floor (for instance, at a work desk or in front of a chair), on a desk beneath a computer keyboard, or on a chair, or in the bed. They should last for some years.
In bed, mats can be used either above or below the regular bottom sheet, whichever is most comfortable for the user.
● The Earthing products I have designed come with a 15-foot Earthing cord (4.5 meters). As the picture here shows, one end snaps onto the product (such as an Earthing mat); the other end can be inserted into an outlet ground port, a grounded extension cord, or into a ground rod cord.

● If you use a wall outlet in your home to connect your Earthing product to, as most people do, test the outlet first. An outlet checker is supplied with Earthing shipments. The checker determines if the outlet is properly wired (grounded) for Earthing. If the outlet is properly grounded, you can plug your Earthing product cord into it. You can also plug a regular grounded extension cord into the outlet, and plug your Earthing product cord into the extension cord. No special knowledge is needed.
Older houses/apartments may not have grounded outlets or the wiring may not have been done properly done. In that case, you may need an Earthing ground rod or you’ll have to consult with an electrician.
Pictured here is a Type B grounded outlet, used in North America, Japan, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and many other parts of the world. Pictures of other types of outlets, used elsewhere internationally, can be found here. These outlets require an adapter when using an Earthing product. The Earthing cord inserts into the appropriate adapter that is configured for the particular country and then the adapter is inserted into the socket.
● EMFs. You may read on the Internet somewhere that plugging Earthing products into grounded outlets is dangerous in the presence of electromagnetic (EMF) fields. Such opinions are nonsense. Several studies document the safety of Earthing, including one in which premature infants were grounded, with excellent results, in a hospital setting filled with EMFs. If you have any concerns, learn more about the safety of Earthing indoors in an article here, which also covers some of the typical misinformation floating around the Internet.
● Products come with an outlet adapter (seen here) that allows you to insert cords for multiple Earthing products. For old outlets, the adapter also provides a more snug, secure grounding connection to the Earth.

● To test the conductivity (continuity) of a grounding product and the product cord, that is, whether they are in working condition, you can purchase a continuity tester, as well as the outlet checker. It is simple to use. First insert the prong end of the accompanying tester cord into the accompanying outlet adapter. Snap the other end of the cord onto the tester. Plug the adapter into the ground port of the outlet. Place the metallic plate on the back of the tester onto the product (a mat or sheet, for instance). Push the “press” button. The green light means the product is in working order. If it doesn’t come on, the product may be defective and needs to be replaced.

To test the product, first insert the prong end of the accompanying tester cord into the accompanying splitter (T- shaped accessory, seen in attached picture). Snap the other end of the cord onto the tester. Plug the splitter into the ground port of the outlet. Place the metallic plate on the back of the tester onto the product (a mat or sheet, for instance). Push the “press” button. The green light means the product is in working order. If it doesn’t come on, the product may be defective and needs to be replaced.
To test the grounding cord of the product, place the metallic plate on the back of the tester against the metallic snap of the cord. Push the “press” button. The green light means the cord is in working order.
The sole purpose of the tester is to determine whether the product and cord are in working order. If the product is in working order, the person will become grounded with the use of the grounding product as directed.
● If you use an Earthing ground rod, simply push it into soil below an adjacent window. An Earthing ground rod is 12 inches long (about 30 cm). It has a long (40 foot/13 meter) attached cord that can be run under the window and connects to the cord of the Earthing product. You can also get an Earthing extension cord (also 40 feet long) if you need additional length.

● I have been asked countless times whether connecting to a ground rod planted in the soil outside is better than connecting to a grounded wall outlet in a home. The answer is that both methods produce identical results in reduction of inflammation. Many people have reported better sleep with use of a ground rod, but this is difficult to quantify as sleep is so very subjective. Personally I use a ground rod for my bed and a grounded outlet for floor mats when I am working at the computer during the day. If you use a ground rod and live in a dry climate, such as in the Southwest United States, soak the Earth with water around the ground rod every week or two. Keeping the ground moist enhances conductivity.
If you have any questions about products, contact the company where you purchased your grounding product from.
Questions about Earthing in general, contact the Earthing Institute
Earthing outdoors

Did you ever experience a great sense of well-being or pain relief when you walked barefoot one time or another along the beach or on a wet lawn? If so, you were experiencing the Earth’s energy in action.
Being barefoot on the ground outside will ground you. Water recreation, swimming or wading, will do the same.
Moist surfaces are best, but even dry surfaces will ground you as well. Concrete works, too. Asphalt, vinyl, and wood not. A backyard or nearby park are ideal.
If you can find the time and a safe place to do it, try to ground yourself for at least a half-hour or 40 minutes. Notice your stress or pain level before and again at the end. You will be surprised.
What you don’t know about your shoes may be the cause of your pain!

Few people are actually aware of the fact that most of today’s shoes are made with synthetic soles from plastic and rubber compounds that block the Earth’s healing energy when you are outside.
Since the 1960s, shoe manufacturing has changed from primarily leather soled shoes to rubber, plastic, and synthetic composite soles. Many leather soled shoes, particularly thinner soles, have a conductive property. Rubber, plastic, and composite soles do not.
The impact of this transformation on human health has gone unnoticed – until now.
Throughout virtually all of history, humans have mostly been barefoot or used animal hides (leather) for footwear and bedding. We evolved with this lifestyle over countless millennia. The resultant contact with the Earth allows the ground’s omnipresent natural energy into the body. Specifically, this means the conductive body is able to receive free electrons present in virtually limitless quantity in the ground. Research since 2000 has shown that this influx of electrons, through being barefoot outside or inside in contact with conductive products, produces significant benefits for the physiology and for health.
Modern shoes, in other words, have contributed in a major way to the loss of our electrical connection to the Earth.
However, there are conductive shoes available, typically used to prevent damaging static or sparks in industries involving sensitive electronic components, inflammables, or explosives. These shoes come in a variety of styles. Moccasins and shoes with thin leather soles will also ground you as long as they do not have synthetic inner soles. A number of small companies have begun producing dedicated grounding shoes. You can find them by searching online. I have not tested them.
Surfaces that will or won’t ground you
Walking, running, standing, or sitting barefoot, with stocking feet, or conductive shoes on the following surfaces will ground you. Outside: grass, soil, gravel, stone, sand, brick, concrete. Inside: unpainted/unsealed concrete or tile floor built directly on the Earth (best to test the floor for conductivity).
Following surfaces will not ground you. Outside: asphalt, vinyl, wood (such as wooden decks). Inside: wooden floors, painted/sealed concrete or tiled floors, carpets.
The sicker you are, the more Earthing time you need to gain relief and regain health
Let me explain. An hour a day of Earthing means 23 hours ungrounded, and usually not enough grounding time for serious health problems. You likely need many hours to reverse course; more hours grounded than ungrounded. If someone were to be grounded 24/7 or close to it, as humans were in past cultures, you would not develop much inflammation in your body. Grounding always works if you spend enough time doing it.
A woman with multiple sclerosis once complained to me that she wasn’t making progress with her condition by sleeping grounded. I heard the same thing from a woman with lupus. I told them that they simply needed more time grounded. Six or seven hours weren’t enough. They had to be grounded during the day as well, as much as possible. They followed my advice and started grounding during the day at their desks and when they relaxed at home. They worked up to some 16 or so hours a day. Their health dramatically improved. They recognized the importance of staying grounded so that the body could rebuild itself.
One woman with severe MS who reluctantly tried Earthing felt a big difference within a half-hour. Her whole attitude towards life went from despair and gloom to brightness and hope in that short time. She has continued to ground herself for many hours day and night and now increasingly enjoys life.
I heard about a quadriplegic man whose severe pain and leg spasms decreased by almost 90 percent within a few months of Earthing at night and for many hours during the day.
Do you take medication?
Grounding makes the body work more naturally, and, as a result, the dosage level of some medications may need to be adjusted. Examples: thyroid and blood sugar medication, blood thinners, and anti-inflammatories. If you take a blood thinner, talk to your doctor before starting grounding. Grounding has a blood thinning effect. Do not reduce any medication on your own without consulting your doctor. For a detailed article on Earthing and medication, click here.
Got questions?
Read this article if you are new to Earthing. It will answer many of your questions. Also browse the frequently asked questions (FAQs) on this website.
Does everybody feel better when they start Earthing?
In most cases, yes. Sometimes quickly and dramatically, other times little by little. Someone very ill or experiencing various symptoms usually feels significant improvement.
Someone with radiant health may not feel a big difference. However, positive changes in the body documented in studies indicate that Earthing contributes substantially to good health maintenance.
Elite athletes often say Earthing speeds recovery from competition, training, and injuries.
Please keep in mind that Earthing is not a cure-all. It will benefit your body as long as you do it. If you stop, symptoms you experienced before Earthing will likely return.
And remember that people are all different, affected by things like genetics, biochemical imbalances, poor eating habits, and intense stress. Earthing may not be able to overcome some deep-seated factor, or just have a minimal effect.
If you feel that Earthing isn’t working for you, please read this article. It has a checklist of things you can do. People with very compromised health typically need to increase the time they are grounded in order to feel substantial benefits.
How much time should I ground myself?
As much as you can. Our body knows exactly what to do with what the Earth provides to us. When we connect to the Earth the amount of healing energy we absorb is governed by the amount our body needs to balance the electrical charge of our body. It is always the perfect amount. If you ground yourself routinely for many hours each day you will likely find it is very hard to develop chronic inflammation, the cause of most common chronic disease. It is worth repeating also that people who are very ill require more Earthing time.
Can I overdose?
That’s like asking if someone can be barefoot on the Earth too much? Remember that the Earthing experience indoors simulates being barefoot on the ground outside. Throughout most of history we walked barefoot and slept on the ground. We were directly connected to the Earth almost 24/7. Being grounded is a very natural state for the body. Some people, such as those who are electro-sensitive or who have Lyme disease, are recommended to start with short Earthing exposure and increase gradually as their bodies adjust to Earthing. See three questions below.
How fast will I feel relief of pain?
Everybody is different, but after grounding thousands of people, we have observed that pain and inflammation generally decrease within 20 to 30 minutes. Healing begins to be felt even quicker when an Earthing patch is put directly on or adjacent to a site of inflammation, pain, injury, or surgical incision.
Can I feel not so good when I start? Or feel strange?
Some people feel tingling in the legs or body. This is the Earth’s energy entering the body and producing better circulation. After a while you don’t notice it.
Some people may experience temporary flu-like symptoms, including malaise, achiness, headache, a foggy mind, and tiredness. These reactions usually indicate a healing, detoxification process generated by Earthing. Energy is expended in the process, which might cause initial fatigue.
Such reactions vary. They generally ease off within days or a week or two. One woman used this analogy: “It’s like when you start a new skincare regimen, you may break out in a rash because the body is detoxing.”
If the detox reaction is uncomfortable, cut back and resume grounding with short exposure, for instance, a half hour. Gradually increase. Increase water intake. Doing so, helps the body adjust and flush out wastes more readily.
What if I have electro-sensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivities, or Lyme disease?
Consider starting grounding with only a half-hour or hour exposure, or less, and then gradually increasing your grounding time. This approach allows your body to adjust more comfortably to the Earth’s energy. Read this article if you are new to Earthing and this article if you have Lyme disease.
I am afraid of putting a cord into the electrical outlet to do Earthing inside my home. Is there any danger?
Earthing doesn’t “run” on electricity. You are connecting to the grounding system of your home or building, which is a safety system. Please refer to our safety article here.
I take medications. Is Earthing OK for me?
Earthing has a blood thinning effect, reduces inflammation and pain, calms the nervous system, and helps with sleep. It may improve thyroid function, blood sugar, and blood pressure. Sometimes, medication can be reduced. Inform your doctor and follow his or her guidance. See our advisory report on medication.
Will Earthing affect my sex life?
Earthing enables the body to work better and reduces pain and stress. Such changes theoretically could contribute to better sex.
A number of men over the years have described better erections as a result of sleeping grounded, and, from women, greater libido.
One woman said: “My husband and I have been sleeping grounded for two months. Has anyone else mentioned the great orgasms when having sex grounded? We have both experienced that great extra benefit. We also sleep better and have less aches and pains.”
If you have any pain, try this simple test:
- Go outside barefoot.
- Walk, stand, or sit barefoot.
- Note your approximate pain level.
- Do it for a half-hour or hour. Note your pain level again. In most cases, you will find that it has improved. You feel better.
People tell me this little experiment is unbelievable. It can make a believer out of a skeptic.