The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding” is directed by Sundance Award-Winning filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell (The Big Fix, FUEL, etc). This is a feature-length documentary based on their viral short film entitled ‘Down To Earth,’ that reveals the scientific phenomenon of how we can heal our bodies by doing the simplest thing that a person can do…standing barefoot on the earth.

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Heal For Free is a Transformational Media project that contains a timely, yet timeless message about how Nature Deficit Disorder, including the wearing of shoes, deprive us from the naturally-healing electrons, which constantly flow from the Earth’s surface – and how the practice of making regular skin contact with the Earth, like taking walks on the beach or on the grass – or better yet – swimming in natural bodies of water – have the ability to heal chronic inflammatory diseases in 95% of all cases. Sumptuously shot in 35mm with a larger-than-life score performed by the Prague Symphony Orchestra, the film stars Apollo Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, Canadian Environmental Scientist and well-known Broadcaster, David Suzuki, Internet Health Guru, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Earthing innovators Clint Ober and Dr. Stephen Sinatra, his healed son, Step Sinatra, the film’s creator, Steve Kroschel and Laura Koniver, MD.