No Healing System Like Earthing – Neuro Massage Therapist

Art Bailey, Neuro Massage Therapy Institute, Walker, Louisiana (2019):  “I have specialized in nerve related injuries for over 20 years and have not found a healing system like Earthing with so many medical health benefits.

In 2008 I read a white paper on the effects of Earthing on sports injuries. I immediately added a ground strap to all my sessions and found that patients experienced less pain and the tissue was more pliable to mobilization movements.

I found the lymphatic sessions in particular were more productive due to the increased lymphatic flow as evidenced by the reduction in the time areas normally take to drain such as arms and legs.

Women often commented on the improvement in their skin quality after lymphatic brushing.  The feedback from those who use an Earthing system during sleep has been less hot flashes, less wakening from sleep, and definitely less snoring.

I have personally recovered in record time from serious falling accidents over the past two years with the assistance of strong magnets coupled with a grounding system and I encourage everyone to add the system to their first aid kit. I guarantee you will heal dramatically faster as I can attest first hand.

You can expect to dramatically reduce the healing time for many common injuries such as cuts, scrapes, bruises, sprains, strains, bone fractures, breaks, post-surgery wounds and overall reduce the pain from body inflammation.

Featured Image by Antonika Chanel.

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