From Jim Funk: Because Earthing (skin to ground) in 15-45 minutes calms me and powerfully improves my mood, it has been wonderful in treating insomnia, depression, anxiety, (political situation/Covid) and addiction (Video games). It appears that filling up with electrons from the earth improves many physical conditions. Less talked about, however, is a more spiritual effect. Earthing began with a barefoot romp in a park. Inspired by a young lady singing on guitar, I ran through grass singing ‘The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music!’ It felt liberating and I began to barefoot more often- with a 3 month break for a pulled Achilles tendon secondary to lack of shoe support. Besides improved mood, I really enjoyed the variety of textures underfoot. I noticed trees seemed more alive- like fellow travelers on earth. It was only when I noted that my visual depth perception improved instantly on touching the earth and disappeared just as quickly on becoming insulated, that I realized something special was happening. This is very subtle and even Martin Zucker had not heard of it. (I also noted I was onto something when my wife in the morning would ask ole grouchy if he had grounded yet.) The effects of earthing seem to grow and change with time. My outdoor cold tolerance has improved dramatically: out in the low 40’s just in jogging shorts stretching and meditating on cold grass for an hour. Most interesting and fulfilling happened after 2+ years of earthing. I noticed a warm tingling which had a tiny sense of my legs expanding, begin at my feet and slowly move up my body to the top of my head. It slows down in my pelvis, and just above my waist a stronger calming comes with spontaneous laughter. A little higher and with each breath a very deep, rich meditation begins. I become aware of the area on the forehead between the eyebrows and sometimes a thrill with a sense of connection as it moves up out of my head. Unfortunately using a grounding pad connected with house wiring grounds actually makes me anxious. Grounding with swimming does have a pleasant effect- though not as strong. Unfortunately time wise- I use grounding more for the sleep benefits. I take medication that has a mild stimulating effect, and have had for years trouble falling asleep, enough to stay up at night and to weekly have to use sleep aids. For a year now- I fall asleep very easily and use no medication. I would rather give up my smart phone than earthing. I hope you have some very positive effects as well.