
● From Janhavi Patankar, 2022: “Dad (in his eighties) climbed upstairs under our supervision after many days in fact months perhaps in one go. All because of using the Earthing Sleepmat for the entire night and as much as he could during the day….slowly getting the strength in his legs back after using the sleepmat from last Sunday night onwards…A big relief and joy for me and of course him too..??

” A BIG THANKS to Clint Ober, his entire team and the earthing.com products.

“I placed the Elite Pillow Cover under his feet to continue his Earthing upstairs. He is comfortable with this soft product for his very sensitive skin.”

● From a woman in Australia: “I have suffered from cramps in my legs for many years and had many treatments which have all helped but never really fixed the problem. The only thing that has fixed this is Earthing. Since I started sleeping grounded and using an Earthing mat I can now use my computer as much as I want to and I can go out and enjoy simple daily activities such as shopping. I recently started a course at a college and started to get cramps while sitting.  I spotted a wall outlet and connected my Earthing mat.  I can now get through the class without cramps and disruption. Earthing is now part of my everyday life.  It has certainly changed my life for the better.”

● From a 70-year-old retired teacher in California: “I am an amateur pianist and 3 years ago purchased a Steinway.  I immediately started playing it about 4 hours a day. The stiffness of the pedals caused me to experience great pain in my right leg.  My chiropractor worked on it off and on.  I could only practice 10 minutes at a time due to the pain.  A bummer for waiting 66 years to get a Steinway!   A year ago I started playing music by Mompou, and the hand positions are horrid.  My right hand also started to hurt and I practiced with bandages etc.  Sometimes I resorted to left hand practice alone.  Suddenly I got the idea to practice barefoot and put an electrode patch on the palm of my right hand.  I also put a grounding band on a large hematoma I got on my right arm from a bad blood draw.  I immediately could put in 3 hours on the piano.  There are a number of world-renowned pianists who have had to turn to conducting and teaching because of pain in their hands.  It would be a service to the world of music if they started grounding themselves.”

● “For eight years I suffered 24/7 from considerable leg pain due to neuropathy. After some 18 to 20 months of sleeping grounded on an Earthing sheet, my legs are completely healed of the neuropathy. For two and half years now, I’ve had no problem with neuropathy. What worked for me may not work for everyone, but this is my result. I have a left shoulder that has been seriously injured three times in my life, and I attach three or four grounding patches to it each night as I sleep and by the next morning 90-95% of the pain is gone. I’ve also used the patches to relieve the pain of a bum knee, back pain, headaches, sore throats, pain in my hands, and to prevent leg cramps. When I feel cramping coming on, I quickly attach an Earthing patch to the muscle in question and the tendency to cramping immediately stops.” (U.S.)

● A 79-year-old man said he suffered with nightly leg cramps, common among the elderly. He used an Earthing sheet but didn’t get relief. He decided to try grounding patches as well. “I find that if I attach the Earthing patch to the calves of my legs when I go to bed, I do NOT have leg cramps,” he told us.  “Or if a cramp starts and I immediately attach a patch to the area, the cramping does not progress further and relief comes within 2 or 3 minutes.“

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