● Joe Rahimja, 87, Vacouver (September 2022):
What condition was diagnosed:
I had a stroke on May 6 2022
Which Earthing.com products did you use: sheet, pillow cover, floor mat, bed mat, “wearables,” and/or patches (indicate site of placement of patches):
2 feet mats that I also use for sleeping
Had a stroke on May 6 went to rehab then home on July 21. I got earthing pads rew days of coming done . Luckily I was improving well and found knees very sore after walks with walker but after few days of using pads the main was basically gone and walking and balance and sleep has improved . I sleep 7-8 hours
2013 I was a holistic nurses weekend seminar where Dr james Oschman was the keynote speaker . My recovery after stroke is great
Number of hours the products were used daily (on average):
I have added a knee wrap that is grounded that helps with no pain after walks ; I have been able to take a comfortable walk I use for at least 8 hours plus each day of a mile each day
When did you start grounding (whether outside or inside, or both):
Were your symptoms severe and did you start grounding before symptoms or after:
After coming home
Describe the benefits you experienced, the impact on recovery, and any other details, such as comments from doctors:
I have not told my Doctor as He may not credit earthing I am sleeping well and the initial severe pains are not there
Besides any flu or virus conditions, would you like to comment on how Earthing has helped with other health or sleep issues, and what percentage of improvement. (Example: Insomnia 75%, after 2 days):
Sleep better tlittlt pain
● Danilo Psico, Sao Paulo: My uncle of 84 had a stroke and after that got very tired and could not walk a lot. We always go to a same restaurant and do the same walk in local mall here in Sao Paulo. And some of the days I would be very scared because he was short of breath and had to make stops and sit during the walk at the mall (it was always the same route). After sleeping grounded I noticed he didn’t need to stop anymore and the shortness of breath was better. The confirmation came when the maid broke the wire of his grounding mat and he had to make stops and felt way more tired during the same route! Another thing that happened is when I went with him to do a medical test to renew his driving license the physician was impressed with his force and health. Unfortunately he does not acknowledge it ….though he says he sleeps better and his blood pressure nowadays is quite good!
● Anonymous. “Four weeks ago I had a stroke and I lost my ability to swallow. It is got to be one of the worst injuries I could imagine. I spent 1 week in the hospital and 2 weeks in the rehab center. I was told when someone loses their ability to swallow due to a stroke it can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months to regain that ability. I had my wife bring me my grounding pillow so I could sleep with it. Well, I am happy to say what I was told normally takes 6 weeks to 6 months only took me 3 weeks. The doctors were amazed. I owe it all to prayer and I think my grounding pillow. P.S. the nurses use to joke about me using my own special pillow, until they saw my recovery. The day I left the hospital 2 of the nurses asked me where they could buy one!”
● An elderly Australian couple: “Our benefits have been quite remarkable after a month of Earthing. My wife, Anni, 74, is a stroke victim and has heart failure. She is on warfarin (Coumadin), and after only a couple of days of sleeping on a grounded sheet, she was able to drop her dose of warfarin from 5mg to 2mg, She is also sleeping much better and generally feeling better and less stressful. Myself, 76, suffering from arthritis and benign prostatic hypertrophy, but generally healthy, have had a remarkable improvement in both my arthritis pain level and also my prostate. I can now sleep right through the night, without having to get up for a wee. I feel much more relaxed and not so tired and grumpy during the day.”
● Representative Healing Case of Brain Stroke and Hemiparalysis, Ms. Cho(69): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dg6hY6jVGc&t=101s