2011 Nautilus Silver Award Winning Book
Wellness/Prevention/Health & Healing
The Nautilus Awards recognizes books that promote spiritual growth, conscious living and positive social change, while at the same time stimulating the imagination and offering the reader “new possibilities” for a better life and a better world.
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“As modern-day humans become more cut off from nature, Earthing specifically refers to the movement promoting direct contact with the earth’s electron-rich surface….to help combat ‘nature deficit disorder.’”
– SpaFinder Wellness’ Top 10 Spa and Wellness Trends for 2013 (10th annual forecast based on surveys of spa and wellness businesses, travel agents, and consumers)
“In our high tech society, connecting with the Earth has never been more critical to our health and well-being. This inspired and well-researched book explains the perils we face by being disconnected from the power and energy of the Earth and its boundless storehouse of free electrons. Could much of the disease, chronic inflammation, poor sleep and more be the result of this? A brilliant hypothesis well-grounded in science. Highly recommended.”
–Nicholas Perricone, M.D., author of Ageless Face, Ageless Mind
“Earthing ranks right up there with the discovery of penicillin. This book is probably the most important health read of the 21rst century.”
–Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., author of The Fat Flush Plan
“People have lost touch with the Earth. From a biblical perspective, people who lose touch with the Earth lose touch with God. Earthing reconnects us to the planet, to others, and, in a sense, to God.”
–Gabriel Cousens, M.D., author of Spiritual Nutrition
“Earthing is a powerful cutting edge idea. Like many potent truths, it is remarkably simple and has the ring of common sense, while offering practical guidance for regaining health − especially for people with fibromyalgia, pain, and insomnia. It is a “must read” in this modern world. Well grounded scientifically, it is also fun, enlightening, and easy reading for nonmedical/non-science readers.”
−Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., author of From Fatigued to Fantastic and Beat Sugar Addiction Now
“This eye-opening book describes how the physical disconnect with the Earth creates abnormal physiology and contributes to inflammation, pain, fatigue, stress, and poor sleep.”
−American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Book of the Month April 2011
“J’ai trouvé le livre Earthing fascinant et captivant. L’histoire de Clinton Ober se lit comme un roman. Les nombreux témoignages et les détails techniques clairs qu’il présente me confirment qu’il faut poursuivre la recherche dans ce nouveau domaine très excitant.”
–André Fauteux, éditeur, magazine La Maison du 21e siècle, Québec
“Earthing connects us to Nature and Nature is the ultimate source of health and healing. This book is a manual for one of Nature’s great healing secrets.”
−John Gray, Ph.D., author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
“Most people want the most health benefits for the least amount of work. This is it! Earthing gives you more benefits for the least work. There is no work!”
−David Wolfe, M.S., author of Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future
“Hormonal imbalances are so prevalent among women. Earthing has a profoundly beneficial effect in helping to balance the system and reduce symptoms.”
−Amanda Ward, N.D., naturopathic doctor, San Diego
“Sleeping grounded gives me sound uninterrupted sleep. I awake feeling refreshed even with all my traveling.”
−Supermodel Miranda Kerr
“Earthing is a must book for natural healing therapists and all the people interested in their health. It shows a clear reason why we must reconnect with nature.”
–Lee won kyoo, publisher/editor, Here Now Magazine, Korea / ‘지금여기’
이 책 ‘Earthing(접지)’은 자연치유사와 건강에 관심있는 모든 사람들을 위한 필독서이다. 이 책은 또한 우리가 자연과 다시 접속해야함을 분명히 보여주고있다. 이원규, 발행인 겸 편집인, 격월간 ‘지금여기‘, 한국 기사를 읽으시려면 이곳을 클릭하세요
“It is said that if something is too good to be true, it often is that. This statement is regularly mentioned if for instance a new therapy or a new technology is claimed to influence almost everything of problems in a society. However, there are a number of conditions where the statement does not hit the mark. Examples can often be found where a species, like human beings, lives under totally different life conditions than it used to in the evolutionary past, and particularly if the changes have been rapid. Lack of physical contact with the ground is such an example. Earth contact (Earthing) is a lacking factor in the health equation, and it is not too good to be true.”
–Iver Mysterud, PhD, editor of the Norwegian health magazine VOF Vitenskap og Fornuft (Science and Reason)
“Det sies at hvis noe virker for godt til å være sant, så er det ofte det. Dette utsagnet trekkes gjerne fram dersom for eksempel en ny terapiform eller en ny teknologi påstås å virke på nesten alt som er av problemer i et samfunn. Like fullt finnes det en rekke forhold der utsagnet ikke treffer spikeren på hodet. Eksempler kan gjerne hentes der en art, som mennesket, lever under helt annerledes livsbetingelser enn man har gjort i fortida, særlig hvis endringene har skjedd hurtig. Manglende fysisk kontakt med underlaget er et slikt eksempel. Jordkontakt (jording) er en manglende faktor i helselikningen, og dette er ikke for godt til å være sant.”
−Iver Mysterud, biolog, dr.philos. Redaktør av helsemagasinet VOF (vitenskap og fornuft)
“Earthing has been a huge boost for me and the recovery process from injuries and exhaustion. I’m able to come back a lot stronger and feel a lot better.”
−Chris Lieto, Three-Time Ironman Triathlete Champion