Earthing Certification Course Overview (English)

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Level 1


Welcome and overview in English, Spanish and French (Katerina Brzovic & Gaétan Chevalier)

Introduction to Earthing

  1. What is earthing? (Gaétan Chevalier)
  2. How to get started (Gaétan Chevalier)
  3. How to check if you are grounded? (Gaétan Chevalier)
  4. Demonstrate how to check for good ground using a multimeter or a voltmeter (Gaétan Chevalier)

What to Expect: Earthing

  1. What you can expect to feel when you start earthing. (Katerina Brzovic)
  2. What are the benefits of earthing? (Gaétan Chevalier)
  3. No need to unplug earthing products when not in use. (Gaétan Chevalier)
  4. Getting shocked by your earthing product – here is what to do. (Katerina Brzovic)
  5. Can you become electrocuted if you use an earthing product? (Katerina Brzovic)
  6. Are we grounded in water? (Katerina Brzovic)
  7. What materials will ground you? (Katerina Brzovic)
  8. Best floor in a house for grounding purposes. (Clint Ober)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do earthing products run on electricity? (Katerina Brzovic)
  2. What is the difference between the Earth’s electric charge and electricity used in homes? (Gaétan Chevalier)
  3. What is the difference between earthing and the use of magnets (covered in more details in Level 2) (Gaétan Chevalier)
  4. What is the difference between earthing and various therapeutic systems that simulate the frequencies of the Earth? (Basic here – more advance in Level 2) (Gaétan Chevalier)
  5. Concerns about being hit by lightning when grounded in the home (Katerina Brzovic)
  6. Are earthing products safe for pets? (Katerina Brzovic)
  7. Use of an extension cord or surge protector are OK. (Katerina Brzovic)
  8. Use of several earthing products at the same time. Some precautions are needed (Gaétan Chevalier)
  9. Using an outlet’s grounding hole with equipment such as a lamp plugged in the outlet. (Gaétan Chevalier)
  10. If electric power goes out, are we still grounded? (Katerina Brzovic)
  11.  Is it harmful to be grounded in the presence of EMFs? (Basic answers here – more in Level 2) (Gaétan Chevalier)

Spreading the Word about Earthing

  1. How to approach potentially interested people (Katerina Brzovic)
  2. One important goal is to get them to try it. (Katerina Brzovic)
  3. It is normal to be skeptical (Gaétan Chevalier)
  4. There is a lot of misinformation out there (Gaétan Chevalier)
  5. Medical considerations (Katerina Brzovic)

Level 2

The Basic Physics of Earthing

  1. Difference between the Earth’s electric charge and the electricity used in homes. (Gaétan Chevalier)
  2. Difference between earthing and the use of magnets – detailed explanations. (Gaétan Chevalier)
  3. Earthing with electric blankets, pads or waterbeds and magnetic mattress pads. (Gaétan Chevalier)
  4. Do earthing products run on electricity? (Gaétan Chevalier)

The Basic Biology of Earthing

  1. Introduction (Katerina Brzovic)
  2. How does earthing help people feel better and heal faster? (Katerina Brzovic)
  3. How fast does earthing work in the body? (Katerina Brzovic)
  4. How to use earthing products while in pain? (Katerina Brzovic)
  5. What medical conditions have been helped by earthing? (Katerina Brzovic)
  6. Can people get earthed if they have a pacemaker, defibrillator, stents, knee or hip replacement or metal plated in the body? (Katerina Brzovic)

The Global Electrical Circuit

The global electrical circuit. (Gaétan Chevalier)

Earthing Side Effects

Why do people feel strange when they start earthing? (detox and Herxheimer (die-off) reactions) (Katerina Brzovic)

The Truth about EMFs

  1. Is it safe or harmful to ground in the presence of EMFs because my body becomes an  antenna if grounded in the presence of EMFs? (Gaétan Chevalier)
  2. Can earthing protect me against phone frequencies, Bluetooth, WIFI, 4G and 5G? (Gaétan Chevalier)
  3. Can Earthing using a wall outlet make me vulnerable to so-called “dirty electricity”? (Gaétan Chevalier)
  4. Are so-called ground currents increasing and a danger to you when you are grounded? (Gaétan Chevalier)
  5. How is earthing different than other therapeutic systems (more advanced than Level 1) (Gaétan Chevalier)

Earthing Considerations

  1. Can I ground myself in a car, truck, motor home, boat, or cruise ship? (Katerina Brzovic)
  2. Difference between grounding products and electrostatic discharge (ESD) products. (Gaétan Chevalier)
  3. Is there a safety risk of being grounded while using electrical or electronic devices such as computers? (Gaétan Chevalier)
  4. Can I use an Earthing mat in bed with an electric blanket, a magnetic mattress pad or waterbed? (Gaétan Chevalier)
  5. Can electro-hypersensitive people ground themselves? (Katerina Brzovic)

Level 3

The Advanced Physics of Earthing

The Advanced Physics of Earthing (Gaétan Chevalier)

The Advanced Biology of Earthing: Biorhythms and Earthing

The Advanced Biology of Earthing: Biorhythms and Earthing (Katerina Brzovic)

Advanced Science of the Global Electrical Circuit

Advanced Science of the Global Electrical Circuit (Gaétan Chevalier)

A Brief Guide to Earthing


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