Frequent Urination

Donna Tisdale, real estate broker, Nashville, TN (2020): “Way back in 2007, I first heard about sleeping grounded was from Dr. Jim Oschman, who was friends with my rolfer. I remember purchasing Earthing sheets in November.  I no longer have allergies, do not get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and this body has a Medicare card!

• From a 50-year-old male: “I have been sleeping and working grounded for more than two years and have had the most positive health changes of any product or lifestyle change I have ever been a part of. I used to get up 1-2 times a night to urinate, now it is only 1-2 times per week. My doctor confirmed my decade long enlarged prostate was now not enlarged.

• From a 75-year-old woman in Finland: “No need to go the toilet in the night since sleeping grounded.  I wake up refreshed.”

• From another woman (59) in Finland: I don’t urinate frequently in the night anymore. Before I woke up at least 3-5 times every night. When I sleep, I sleep like a log for 6-7 hours usually. I have noticed I have no more headaches. Before I had at least once a week.”

• “I am 80 (male) and in good health. About 10 months ago I started about 45 minutes per day of being grounded during some walking and some sitting.  Within a few days my 3 nightly toilet calls dropped to 2, and in 3-4 more weeks became 1. In the last 2 weeks I have had 2 nights with no getting up. Inflammation in fingers decreasing, and better sleep.”

• “I am a 77 year old male. My experience so far with the Earthing sheet has been phenomenal. Instead of waking up every hour of the night, I now wake up once or twice a night and even then do not feel the urgency of needing to relieve myself. Instead of turning and tossing all night, I will wake up in the same position I went to sleep in four or five hours earlier. Even with sleep aids, I would typically lie awake at least an hour before going to sleep at night. Now, as soon as I find a comfortable position, I’m out like a light.”

• “I’m a male, 76, suffering from arthritis and enlarged prostate, but generally healthy.  I have had a remarkable improvement in both my arthritis pain level and also my prostate has improved.  I can now sleep right through the night, without having to get up for a pee.  I am not completely over it yet; but as we have only been using the grounding sheet and mat for about a month, I suspect that it will only get better.  I feel much more relaxed and not so tired and grumpy during the day.”

● From Knollis Edward Byrd, 90, New Albany, MS (2020): “I have had 4 or 5 urinary calls nightly with slow stream. After Earthing only one per night, there was already a better stream.  Previous visits to urologist not helpful.  He suggested prostate surgery at my age!!!

● From a woman in Michigan: “I’m doing well – sleeping well, no joint or heel pain now, no urinary problems, and my blood pressure is lower consistently – still take hypertension medicine, but a lowered dose – from 20 mg to 10 mg!  

● From Karen Ball, 63, massage therapist, Beaverton, OR: ““It took 6 nights before I got a good night’s sleep. But from August of 2011 to the present, August of 2013, I have had 4-8 hours of sleep every night except for 2 nights. In that time, I’ve had more than 40 nights where I slept through the night through without getting up to urinate.”

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