● From a woman in Ireland (2019): “I have had 2 very bad menopause years after having my ovaries and tubes removed. I cannot take any of the HRT because I’ve had some bad cells removed. I’ve had no sleep, a lot of joint pain, and extremely bad hot flushes. I would come out of one and go into another throughout the day and night.
“I’ve been to my doctor crying and begging him to find something for me to help with symptoms and always left feeling deflated. I’ve got the Earthing mat for my bed about a month ago. First night I had a bad headache and tingling sensation and didn’t sleep any different. Felt very tired. Now a few weeks later I started to sleep with short pjs or just a top. My pains are ???? percent improved. My sleep is better than it was before. I still get one or two hot flushes but that’s a big improvement.”
● From a menopausal mother: “I sleep so well that people come in and out of the room and I don’t wake up. And I’m a mom conditioned to wake at the slightest noise. Earthing has helped my aches and pains factor. My feet hurt from the pressure of walking on them and a couple of days of sleeping Earthing I was pain free. I was also in that time of life when I was feeling stiff when I got up in the mornings and I no longer experience that. It could be coincidence but I realize that I have had no menopausal symptoms at all since sleeping grounded. I used to have occasional hot flashes and I used to also before menopause be cold all the time and I am experiencing none of that. In fact, no symptoms at all. ”
● From Lorraine Lopez, 47, Lancaster CA, who wrote us in January 2020 with the following report: “I’m a busy mother of five, with five pets as well. I have all the Earthing products, including bands, patches, and the bed mat. I first started Earthing in mid-September by going barefoot outside on the grass during the week and on weekends at the beach while we stayed on our boat. In December, I started sleeping grounded. At my age, I was starting to experience hormonal changes. I was having double periods, killer cramps, and heavy flow. Now I get no cramps at all! No PMS either and my flow is light! No more double periods or menopause symptoms! If you’re a woman you’re probably saying yay with me.”
● From a doctor describing the case of a 53-year-old menopausal woman who presented with anxiety, fatigue, feeling burned out, unable to sleep well, moody, and lack of motivation: “She had tried everything from hormone therapy to antidepressants to raw food and juicing. Nothing seemed to really make her feel like herself again. She felt very frustrated with conventional medicine and disappointed with alternative medicine.She turned to me for an intuitive reading on what was going on with her body. I found that her mind was overworking and overanalyzing everything in her life without pause, effectively preventing creative and comforting energy to arise and flow through her body.
“My prescription was grounding. Simple as that. She just absolutely needed to be in a state that would promote and allow a transition. I believe there is nothing more powerful than the Earth for this. The great transition of menopause is only truly navigable if you are supported by the Earth. Women are meant to be intimately tied to the Earth and there is no time in a woman’s life where this becomes more obvious than during the hormonal upheaval of menopause. The Earth is a woman’s comfort, healing, and salvation as the winds of menopause blast through. Without grounding, women can feel wired, frazzled, unsupported, depressed, and anxious. With the Earth firmly anchoring our bodies, relieving the inflammation and stabilizing our hormones as we make this transition, the journey through becomes deeper and more meaningful, filled with inspiration and power.
“Two months of daily grounding literally transformed my patient from an exhausted anxious and despairing woman to a powerful, centered, grounded woman who began uncovering her passion and commitment for the second half of her life. She touched the Earth barefoot or sat right down on it while she read a book for at least 20 minutes every day, and this was enough to change her life.
“Grounding to the Earth decreased her hormone swings, made her hot flashes disappear, lifted her mood, increased the quality of her sleep, and comforted her in a way she had never been comforted before. Research and scientific data can explain the anti-aging/anti-inflammatory effects of Earthing on her body and the metabolism boost, blood sugar stabilization, and higher quality sleep she is enjoying. But I know that energetically Earthing goes well beyond what we can measure.
“My patient is fortified in a way far beyond just fixing an imbalance or decreasing stress on the body. She has literally reconnected to the Earth and found herself again. She has found her passion, her reason for being, and her future. She is radiant in a way that just a few months ago she would not have thought possible. She has now been able to replace her hormone prescription with Earthing and herbal supplements. She has replaced her sleeping pills with Earthing and nightly meditation. She has replaced her antidepressant with Earthing and finding meaning in her life again. She credits Earthing with getting her life back. I credit her with having the commitment to connect to the Earth and make it a daily routine. I am so impressed with what Earthing has been able to accomplish in such a short period of time and the prescriptions she has been able to stop taking and the joy I hear in her voice when she talks. She is an inspiration to me.”
Featured photo by sk.