Beware: Amazon Seller Claiming to be The Earthing Institute
The Earthing Institute has been made aware that there is a seller on Amazon with…
Dr. Park Proposes Barefoot Walking to be Added to WHO’s Global Action on Physical Activity
On July 15, 2023, Dr. Park publicized open proposals to the Director General of WHO…
7th Year Anniversary Video of the National Movement for Walking Barefoot
Dr. Park held a seminar on July 15, 2023 in the National Assembly Conference Room…
The Importance of Staying Grounded in a Time of Crisis
Protecting yourself in the face of this ongoing viral crisis means many challenges. So we…
Honolulu Acupuncturist Teaches Schoolkids about Earthing
On Feb. 28, 2020, Cimone Kamei, a doctor of acupuncture who directs a health clinic…
Actress/Author Mariel Hemingway: “Unearthing my bliss!”
The journey of grounding/ Earthing is a curious one, one that for me began when…
Can Grounding Benefit Individuals with PTSD?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects many individuals after episodes of shocking, scary, or dangerous events,…
Defuse Jet Lag with Grounding
Looking to reduce common jet lag? Ground yourself as soon as possible after landing and…
Pets Benefit From Grounding, Too
For a veterinarian’s perspective on Earthing, click here. For more pet stories, see the pet…
Fairfield IA: Earthing Capital of the World?
Fairfield (population 9,464) is not just another corn belt town in Iowa. It lists some…
Snoring Relief
We frequently receive notes from folks saying that their spouses or partners are no longer…
Fibromyalgia Relief
Chronic widespread body pain that often overlaps with moderate to extreme fatigue, headaches, problems with…
The Blood Pressure Connection
Click here to see the first-ever study on grounding and high blood pressure, published in…
Tattoos: Less Sore, Faster Recovery
Tattooing has become widely fashionable in the Western World, particularly among young people. Along with…
Grounding – Helping Premature Babies
Intensive care doctors have discovered that grounding may boost the resilience of premature infants and…
Rapid Benefits for Women within One Hour
A 2012 women’s wellness conference in Southern California was the setting for an informal experiment…
Bad Mood? Follow Elvis’ Advice
Elvis Presley had a bright idea in his 1964 song “Barefoot Ballad” about kicking off…
Grounding Improves Facial & Abdominal Circulation
A 2015 study using thermal imaging vividly showed that grounding significantly improves facial and abdominal…
Beauty: “The Earthing Facelift”
One of the participants in an Earthing study some years ago was a woman named…